Your church can be part of this pioneering work.
Global Teams has a Holy Spirit inspired goal of with new unreached people groups without disciple-makers in their midst, many without a Bible in their language, some in incredibly remote areas and others in places that are hostile to the Gospel. Yet we are compelled to go.
This challenge is too big for a single field partner, a single mission agency or a single church. So, what if we do it together? We join together from the beginning: from discernment to calling to seed planting to harvest to multiplication? The task is still formidable but Ecclesiastes 4:12 tells us: “A cord of three strands is not easily broken.”
Your church can adopt one of these people groups and become a part of the team that is pioneering that work.

- the church that has adopted the people group
- field partners going to live with the people group
- the agency supporting the work
Working and praying together, as a cord of three strands, to reach a people group without access to the Gospel.
What does adopting a UP3G involve?
- RESEARCH: The people group, area, religious culture, government, history, if there are any other ministries working there, feasible platforms for engagement, lifestyle, closest people group where there are already established believers, visa access, etc.
- PRAYER: Pray as individuals, as groups, as a church and with field partners going to serve there.
- SENDING: Raise up disciples who are willing to discern a call to go by teaching and sharing about missions on a regular basis. Share information about unreached people groups with your church. Actively engage in looking for field partners in your church, your area and in your networks of relationships.
- ENGAGING: Communicate on a regular basis with field partners serving this people group. Share their updates and videos on a regular basis. Share what is going on at the church with the field partners so they are able to pray for the church and its ministry. Share what the Lord has been showing you with your field partners. Ask your field partners to share with you what the Lord has been showing them as they have prayed for you. Problem solve with your field partners as they encounter difficult situations and barriers. Do the same Discovery Bible Study that your adopted people group is doing.
- GOING: Send a small group to visit the area, to learn, to discern and to prayer walk. Once field partners are there, send a small group to build relationships with them and encourage them. Be a part of vocational/technical training that might be helpful in this people group as a movement develops. Send individuals or a small group to provide coaching/insight for projects/initiatives. Take a group to be part of Discovery Bible Studies, maybe with developing leadership, when it is appropriate and safe to do so. Send a short-term team, if it is beneficial and requested by the field partners, for specific projects/needs/events.
- GIVING: As a church, make this people group a regular part of your budget. Provide ways for individuals to give additional support to this people group. Have a focused time of giving every year for your church that includes ways for children and youth to give to this people group. Give time during your service, space in your newsletters, places on your website updates on your people group.
Action Steps
- Talk with your church leaders
- Learn about the Unreached Groups. (Our guides will be posted again soon.)
- Email us at [email protected] and we can set up a meeting.